Magnatone. The Historic Amp,
Making History Again.
The classic, vintage tube amp of yesterday is back — made by hand, played by superstars.Magnatone’s invention of the electrical vibrato amplifier circuit in 1957 was, and remains, the standard for true pitch shifting effects. Today’s line of Magnatone models incorporate that same vibrato circuitry which, as experts know, includes silicon carbide varistors, as well as vacuum tubes, to achieve the “True Dimensional Sound” for which Magnatone is famous.

The Company That We Keep
Billy Gibbons, Slash, Jeff Beck, Neil Young, Jason Isbell, Lukas Nelson and countless others affirm that after years of R&D, artist input, and rugged testing, the best amp you can buy has arrived. No other amplifier has the blend of rich history and modern engineering that you find in the all American-made Magnatone.

Billy Gibbons


Jason Isbell

Lukas Nelson
Built in the tradition of the great American made tube combos of the ‘60s, the Traditional Collection has fidelity and tone that must be heard to be believed! With tube driven reverb, tremolo, and our true pitch shifting varistor vibrato, the traditional collection amps truly are the evolution of boutique tone!

Tune in to Magnatone
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