Don't miss Bob Dylan and his Band on tour this fall!
The show is getting rave reviews across the land:
"I thought 'This is going to be good', indeed, it was -- the best Dylan show I’ve seen in at least a decade, maybe longer...the band was among the best Dylan ensembles I’ve heard...an incredible show."
-- L. Kent Wolgamott, Lincoln Journal Star L Kent Wolgamott Lincoln Journal Star
"His voice, now gravelly, has grown richer. He’s aged beyond youthful nasality and mumbling and embodied the vocal characteristics of the cigarette- and whiskey-ravaged old bluesmen he has spent so much of his life honoring. Now, he is one....From the time Dylan came on stage to the moment he and his bandmates took their bows, he offered an intense, often stirring tour through his catalogue...He’s great again, and his approach to his music is as urgent and alive as ever."
-- Kyle Harris, Westword Kyle Harris Denver Westword
"Focused, impassioned and arguably singing at his best in decades. He has become a thoughtful, nuanced interpreter...As he offered tunes from all six decades of his recording career, Dylan, 78, reimagined them with wisdom, eloquence and masterful phrasing -- the kind of notions associated with classic stylists like Tony Bennett and Linda Ronstadt, not a singer-songwriter revered for his original, poetic tunes yet often derided for his unusual singing...his voice was unquestionably forceful, easily understood ...and terrifically musical.
-- Jon Bream, Minneapolis Star Tribune Star Tribune
Don't you dare miss it!